


Ipamorelin is a sequence of 5 amino acids that is a selective agonist (activator) of the Ghrelin receptor and a growth hormone secretagogue, meaning that it stimulates the pituitary gland to increase growth hormone levels in the plasma.  Ipamorelin plays a role in somatostatin inhibition which further increases growth hormone release.  It is not only one of the most common growth hormone peptides, but also one of the safest.  Ipamorelin promotes its benefits without affecting prolactin, FSH, LH or TSH levels from the pituitary gland.  In addition, it does not stimulate increased secretion of cortisol or ACTH.  And while Ipamorelin is a Ghrelin receptor agonist, it does not promote increased hunger or have Ghrelin’ s lipogenic properties.


Benefits of Ipamorelin

  • Decreased body fat
  • Increased lean muscle mass
  • Improved recovery and increased stamina
  • Increased energy
  • Increased collagen production
  • Accelerated wound healing
  • Deeper, more restorative sleep
  • Decreased joint and muscle pain
  • Increased cellular repair and regeneration
  • Increased bone mineral content, improving osteoporosis and osteopenia conditions
  • Enhanced mental clarity and focus
  • Improved skin tone and texture
  • Improved immunity
  • Strengthened and more efficient cardiac, pulmonary and renal systems
  • Diminished aging process

When Can I Expect To Experience Improvements?

While some patients will begin to experience improvements within the first several weeks of starting therapy, many of the full benefits are not experienced until months 4-6.  It is for this reason that treatment with Ipamorelin, or any human Growth Hormone peptide regimen, is recommended as a 6 month treatment cycle.

Month 1

  • Increased energy
  • Improved stamina
  • Deeper, more restful sleep

Month 2

  • Improved skin, reduced wrinkles
  • Stronger nails and hair
  • Increased metabolism

Month 3

  • Enhanced sex drive and performance
  • Improved mental focus
  • Improved joint health

Month 4

  • Continued weight reduction
  • Improved skin elasticity
  • Increased lean muscle mass

Month 5

  • Noticeably fuller and healthier hair
  • Reduced appearance of wrinkles, better skin tone
  • Continued reduction in belly fat

Month 6

  • 5-10% reduction in body fat (without exercise/diet)
  • 10% increase in lean muscle mass
  • Improved vitality due to organ regrowth


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What is Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin is a growth hormone releasing peptide or GHRP, that stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.  It is a chain of 5 amino acids.

How does Ipamorelin work?

Ipamorelin is a peptide that is highly selective for inducing the secretion of growth hormone.  It is a selective Ghrelin receptor agonist and a growth hormone secretagogue.  Ipamorelin also suppresses somatostatin which further leads to increased release in growth hormone from the pituitary gland.

What are the side effects of Ipamorelin?

Ipamorelin is considered one of the safest growth hormone agonists.  It has no effect on prolactin, cortisol or ACTH levels.  Ipamorelin also does not promote hunger.  It is generally well tolerated by nearly all patients.  Because subcutaneous injection is a route of delivery, local itching, redness or discomfort that is transient may be experienced.

How is Ipamorelin administered?

Ipamorelin is commonly administered in a subcutaneous injection.  However, at Re-new Institute it is also available in convenient rapid dissolve tablets and sublingual troches, giving patients who are hesitant to administer injections or want the ease of an oral option.

How long should I take Ipamorelin?

For optimal results, Ipamorelin is best taken consistently and consecutively for 6 months.  It is safe to stay on long term. However, one of the potential side effects is receptor desensitization.  This means that if you take too much or for too long, the receptors that produce growth hormone will become less effective and less able to produce growth hormone.  It is for this reason that use of Ipamorelin should only be prescribed by a provider trained in peptide therapy and understands the complexities of hGH therapy.

How is Ipamorelin dosed?

The dose of Ipamorelin is dependent on each individual patient and the goals they are looking to accomplish.  Because of the risk of receptor desensitization, it is important to note that more is not always better.  At Re-new Institute, our peptide trained physicians will help you safely find the appropriate and necessary dose to accomplish your goals.

When is the best time to take Ipamorelin?

Timing of Ipamorelin is dependent on the goals each individual is wanting to accomplish and therapy is tailored as such.  There are better times of the day to take Ipamorelin based on goals.  Effectiveness of Ipamorelin can be influenced, or diminished by certain foods.

Is Ipamorelin a steroid?

No, Ipamorelin is not a steroid.  It is a peptide that selectively increases growth hormone production.

Can Ipamorelin be combined with other therapies?

Yes, Ipamorelin can and frequently is prescribed in combination with other peptide therapies.  Ipamorelin is also often compounded with other growth hormone peptides such as Sermorelin and CJC 1295 for enhanced results.  It is important to discuss your goals with the physicians at Re-new Institute, so that we can determine the best regimen for you.  Ipamorelin is generally safe with all other prescription medications as well, but should be reviewed with a medical profession prior to starting therapy.  Ipamorelin is often used in combination with hormone replacement therapies for enhanced benfits in both men and women.

Am I a candidate for Ipamorelin?

Generally speaking, Ipamorelin is safe for men and women over the age of 25.  There are no limitations on age beyond the 25 years old.  Due to its growth properties, Ipamorelin is avoided in anyone with active cancer.  A complete history and physical interview with a Re-new provider as well as some basic blood work, will help determine if you are a candidate for peptide therapy.  Contact our peptide trained physicians at Re-new Institute today to schedule your consultation.

What are the benefits of Ipamorelin?

Growth Hormone plays many roles in human body spanning from stimulating growth, cell reproduction and cell regeneration to maintaining normal body structure and metabolism.  Ipamorelin is a selective growth hormone agonist, increasing the production of growth hormone into the plasma with benefits including anti-aging, improved sleep, increased collagen production, decreased body fat, increased lean muscle mass, increased repair and regeneration, decreased joint pain, and many others.  For a more comprehensive list of benefits, please see above or contact Re-new Institute to learn more.

Which is better-Ipamorelin or Sermorelin?

Ideally, it is about determining your goals, in conjunction with past medical history and current medications, to develop an individual plan to meet your needs.  Ipamorelin and Sermorelin will both increase growth hormone production but in different ways and with different potential side effects.  They are safe in combination with each other to increase effectiveness.  Contact Re-new today to obtain your personalized health and wellness plan.

Does Ipamorelin cause weight gain?

No, Ipamorelin does not typically cause weight gain.  Any weight gain experienced is typically from increased muscle mass which results in inches lost due to the reduction in body fat.  Ipamorelin commonly results in not only reduction of body fat but weight loss as well.

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